
Monday, October 11, 2010

Unwanted Compliments

I have recently rejoined the dating world after a self imposed hiatus. One of the things I find bothersome is when a prospective date will comment of my looks before getting to know me. It makes it seem, to me anywas, he is shallow and/or just wants sex. I am talking about comments along the lines of telling me i have nice curves or a nice butt. I can handle them saying i look nice tonight or nonspecific things. I am not comfotable with comments on my looks that most men make and have told them so but they don't listen or apologize and say something along the lines of but you are sexy...

Am I being a total prude or do other women feel similar? How do you deal with it?


The Mix Master said...

Not a woman, bit I think you are alright in what you are saying, if you are not dressing slutty or putting off the vibe that you are loose. Dealing with it would just be to stop meeting guys at clubs if you want good relationships.

njohnfixes said...

I would normally save those kind of comments for a later date. Or later on that night, depending on how the date goes? but no, not to start off with...

batterypaste said...

Good thing you are at least starting now whereas you don't want to be followed by guy's kids or drama with said ex's. That was my major gripe for a while.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem unreasonable to me.


My favorite opening comment is "eyyyyyy miss.. yougot big boobs". No, seriously. Works every time.

highfiveghost said...

This is interesting because we talked a lot on the dimensions of context and relationship in my communication class. I totally agree with you, when you're just getting to know someone there's just some things that are better just saved until you've got a better understanding of where you stand with that person. Like, I've got a lot of school friends that I won't self-disclose about my drug exploits with or ask them if I can borrow money. Maybe I might see them as a potential close friend and they may only see me as a guy from school. If these kinds of things aren't well-perceived by both parties then it's likely you might get some inappropriate dialogue or something.

Max Steel said...

Dudes on the internet are pretty creepy but come on thats alot of cleavage :)

Austin said...

Anyone with that dumb needs to be slapped. Just set the turd straight yo...

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