Twice, in my history of usage, have I almost encountered a bad trip. Each time I could feel it creeping up on me, but I felt like my subconscious just blocked it out.
The first time was on Friday the 13th. Some friends and I had taken shrooms about 30 minutes before and we were crossing a busy intersection. An elderly dude fell over in the middle of the crosswalk and started screaming for help. It's a Friday night, and people are everywhere, but nobody had the decency to help this man except me and my tripping friends.
There was a point where I thought to myself 'This is going to get bad.' and I could feel the bad thoughts creeping up on me. There were people everywhere and I just KNEW that they could see I was coming up on shrooms. Also, seeing this distressing, tragic situation unfold was quite unsettling.
So, we get this guy off the road and he's complaining about his arm, and hinting at a possible heart attack about to happen. I somehow collect my wits and call 911 (this went against almost every drug user instinct, but I wasn't gonna let this dude die). As I was talking with the dispatcher, one of my friends straight up faints in the middle of this crowd (he let the bad trip get to him, it was a rough rest of the night for him). This is the point where I just started to freak the fuck out, but then I thought to myself 'No, take control of this situation. You're on shrooms, realize that now, but hold yourself together only a little longer. At the very least the trip will be over in a few hours.' Afterwards, I still look on this day as the point where I 'learned' to 'control' my mind.
Next time was with DMT. It was my first time, and after the exhale I immediately see all the crazy visual fractals everywhere and because it hit so hard I thought I was gonna lose my shit completely. Somehow I picked up my lighter, it became my sword, and protected me throughout the trip. I just remember picking up the lighter and thinking 'It's gonna be alright, it's a short drug, make it last!' All was well after that.
Basically, it's all in your head. Bad trips and good trips are all relative. Some people I know don't see the difference, and they will ride it out regardless because they see it as part of that inner, psychedelic exploration.
I recently had a horrible trip on shrooms. It feels like your world is being ripped apart and theres nothing you can really do >.> sucks
'No, take control of this situation. You're on shrooms, realize that now, but hold yourself together only a little longer. At the very least the trip will be over in a few hours.'
That pretty much sums up how to deal with them. You gotta take the bad with the good.
I had a long bad trip, what kept me going was positive thoughs, fresh air and going into a 3rd person perspective
Only one way to deal, benzos.
I don't really use, so I don't have any experience with bad trips
Not much of a trip that didn't result in a fall, or a faltering.
Also there are no bad trips only lessons ignored.
sorry, i don't go on trips like this :)
Good thing I don't get bad trips like that.
My tip is tons of red bull. The sugar will get you out of that shit fast, really works.
I love reading about dph trips and seeing the drawings on /del/
I guess I'm fortunate enough not have had a bad trip yet, knock on wood. Worst time I can recall was just feeling horribly sick after smoking a bit but that's never happened again.
Ive only used a couple of times and havent had that bad of trips but i think you definitely did the right thing.
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