
Friday, August 20, 2010

Pretentious Diary Entry #4 "Ugh"

I filled out paperwork for food stamps, and had the hottest, most miserable day.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pretentious Diary Entry #3 "No Money, No Weed, No Luck"

Dany and I left for the tattoo parlor so he could buy a new nose ring. He plans on doing a salt water extraction since it has been inflamed lately. I bought PJ pants, returned my library books, and forgot to go to the TREP thing.

Also no more monies or weed. ;[

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Pretentious Diary Entry #2 "The Talk with Doc"

 Dr. Suyat and I discussed my stability, and in the end I was advised to find a psychologist. Participating in todays support group was nice and obviously beneficial. If I continue attending the group, I should be able to learn about the ***** program I will participate in. I went by my bank and was extremely uncomfortable.

Anxiety is manageable as long as I continue to medicate with mj.

The Department of Social Services still has not returned my call or scheduled a return appointment for me, so that means more waiting for food stamps.

I researched car + rental packages for my mothers' visit over Turkey Day.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Pretentious Diary Entry #1 "Do not be a victim."

Tuesday, August 17th

T_T Today I realized I have never accomplished anything of significant value. I am extremely unorganized and only have myself to blame.

Dany mentioned my weight being abnormally low, meaning I should eat more.

Anxiety is still slightly better since I started taking lexapro, but is still impairing. 
